2 States The Story Of My Marriage

2 States The Story Of My Marriage

It is a novel written by Chetan Bhagat in 2009. It is the tale about a couple coming from two different regions in India, who face trouble in convincing their family to approve of their marriage. Author wrote this book after quitting his job as an investment banker.

Theme of 2 states novel is Love marriages around the universe are simple: Girl loves boy. Boy loves girl. They get married. In our country, there are a few more layers: Boy loves Girl. Girl loves Boy. Girl’s family people has to love boy. Boy’s family members has to love girl. Girl’s Family supposed to love Boy’s Family. Boy’s family supposed to love girl’s family. Then only Girl and Boy still love each other and they get married.

Plot-This book is autobiographical with only names changed. The narrative is about two IITians Ananya and Krish, who belongs from two different states of India, Tamil Nadu and Punjab, respectively, who are pretty much in love and want to marry. It is narrated from a foremost person outlook in a comical tone, often taking digs at both Punjabi and Tamil cultures.

2 states

The tale starts in the IIM Ahmedabad mess hall where Krish, a Punjabi moonda from Delhi glimpse a gorgeous chick Ananya, a Tamilian from Madras fighting with the mess staff about the meal. Ananya was labelled as the Best girl of the first year batch. They become buds within a few days’ time. Both graduate and get job work with significant plans for their wedding. At initial stage, Krish try hard to persuade his girlfriend Ananya’s family by supporting Ananya’s brother IIT tuition and by assisting her papa develop his foremost PowerPoint presentation. He later convinces her mother by supporting her fulfill her big dream of singing at a concert by set out for her to execute at the concert arranged by Krish’s employer City Bank.

With Ananya’s family convinced, the couple then has to assure Krish’s mom. But they get into problem as Krish’s mom relatives don’t pretty love the relationship and do not want Krish to marry a Tamilian chick. They are won over after Ananya get involved to help one of Krish’s cousins get married. Now as they have satisfied both their parents, they decided to make a trip to Goa to give their family an opportunity to get to understand each other better. But this too ends frictional as Ananya’s family have a fallout with Krish’s mom after which they leave, determining that the families probably never get along with each other. Krish returns back home and becomes a unhappy workaholic.

It is shown throughout the narrative that Krish was never be on good relation with his papa and doesn’t share a good bright bond with him. But finally, it is disclosed that Krish’s papa travels to Madras to interact Ananya’s parents and sweetly convinces them, by spending a whole day. Thus, son and father are harmonized and the book ends with Ananya giving birth to twin boys. Krish says that the babies owned to a nation called ‘India’, with a thought to dissolve inequality.

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