Setu Bhartam Yojana

Setu Bhartam Yojana


Setu Bharatam Project

Date of Launching

4th March 2016

Launched By

PM Narendra Modi

Government Ministry

Ministry of Road Transport and Highways

Year of completion of Setu Bharatam


The Indian Government has established the Setu Bharatam scheme considering the significance of road safety. This yojana focus in constructing a powerful infrastructure that will contribute towards the progress of the nation through proper implementation and planning of this project. This yojana laid focus on the repairing and construction of the older one  bridges and also lessen up the overall cost of the scheme. The task was executed fast way and was completed up by the year 2019.

A total of Rs. 102 billion was sanctioned by PM for the fulfilment of this scheme.

The Setu Bharatam aims on the building of new bridges along with the revamp of old ones.

by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, An IBMS was also set up at the Indian Academy for Highway Engineer in Noida. On the national highways, the key focus of this yojana is to conduct inventions and surveys of all the bridges through mobile inspection units. There are around 11 firms that have been establish for this purpose. This scheme has been successful in inventing thousand bridges till now and the foremost cycle of this stuff was fulfilled in June 2016.

by 2019, Setu Bharatam yojana focus to make all National Highways pretty much free of railway level crossings. This is being done to eliminate loss of lives and the frequent accidents at level crossings.


Setu Bharatam Project – Objectives

The Setu Bharatam set up by PM focused to construct all the national highways free from railway crossing by the year 2019. Some of the major key points of the Setu Bharatam scheme were: The motive of Setu Bharat scheme. The yojana was an initiative towards making the NH free from the railway crossing. Some of the main objectives were:

  1. Nationwide focus The yojana concentrate on the nationwide national highways. The construction of bridges for national highways across the nation was a key objective.
  2. Railway track bridges. The yojana aimed at the building of around 280 under and over railway bridges tracks across the nation. Various states were covered with the support of the team set-up for the motive.
  3. Space technology. The yojana aimed at utilizing scientific techniques like design, longitude, distance, latitude material and age among others for the great construction of bridges. The technology has proven to be useful while building and mapping of new bridges.
  4. Bridge mapping While setting up the yojana in 2016, under the Indian Bridge Management System, PM said that 1,50,000 bridges across the nation would be mapped. Since then the scheme has been touring states for the purpose.
  5. Ease of travel. Having bridges will lessen traffic problems. It will give much more space for passengers to drive.
  6. Safe travel Having safe national highway bridges and railways will also bring a sense of shielding in the passengers. railway tracks and Highways are normally the places of accidents. Construction of bridges will assist solve this issue.
  7. Improving quality One of the great objectives of the scheme was the development of the quality of the bridges. Low-quality bridge line were causing a great number of accidents.
  8. Grading bridges The yojana permitted the set up of a group who was assigned to check on the quality of bridges and grade them. The lower the quality stuff, the more focus towards upgrading the bridge.
  9. Building of bridges in the national highways across the nation.
  10. .Building of around 280 under and over railway tracks bridges by the Indian Gov. with an expense of thousand of Crore.
  11. Around hundreds of bridges will get the green signal.
  12. Utilization of scientific techniques such as designs, material, latitude, longitude, measurement of distance etc. during the building of bridges.
  13. To concentrate on the nationwide Highways and to build up the bridges over national highways across the nation.
  14. To build up over 208 bridges or under bridges on the national highways across the nation that will assist in the elimination of the railway crossings.
  15. Under the Bridge Management System, To map the bridges as per the vision of PM to map 1,50,000 bridges across the nation.
  16. To rehabilitate or revamp 1500 existing bridges and provide them new life.
  17. To refine the quality of the bridges and lessen the number of accidents caused due to faulty building up of bridges.
  18. Set up a team that will be assigned to determine and check the quality of the bridges and give more concentration to the improvement of the bridges that have rough quality.
  19. To offer or certain ease of travel to the commuters by building of bridges which will eventually result in depletion of traffic.

Setu Bharatam Benefits

The advantages of the programme that has been initiated in the year 2016 are the following:

  • It is a long-term yojana under which the state focus to build highways, utilities, railways and ports jointly.
  • It aims on the safety of people.
  • It saves the resources and time of those utilizing highways, such as raw material buyers and suppliers, would be economical and get fast delivery for them.
  • The scheme will offer the country’s development with strength, speed, and power.
  • There are electricity and water supply for railways so that these zones do have better facilities connected to the supply of electricity, water and other advantages.
  • Jobs in rural zones will also increase under the yojana.

 Progress of the Project

The yojana has been successful in constructing and identifying the over bridges in numerous beneficiary states.

Duration of Setu Bharatam scheme

The gov. had initiated this ambitious and mega project in the year 2016. This project was began and to be completed in record time. The project had aimed to complete the scheme by the end of 2019. The Ministry was successful in attaining its targets and the scheme was completed in the year 2019.

What is Setu Bharatam Project?

Under the Ministry of Road transport and Highways, Setu Bharatam scheme is the project that was initiated to build over or under bridges on the national highways and eventually remove the railway crossings as well as renovate the selected 1500 bridges and refined their quality.

When was the yojana initiated?

Setu Bharatam scheme was began in the year 2016.

What was the duration of the project?

by the end of the year 2019, Setu Bharatam project was scheduled to be completed.

How many states have profitted under the Setu Bharatam scheme by the building of bridges?

A total of 19 states have been choosen to be gain under the Setu Bharatam scheme by the building of the over bridges.

What is the cost of Setu Bharatam project?

Setu Bharatam scheme was visualize at a cost of Rs. 50,000 crores.

The Setu Bharatam scheme has been set up for which purpose?

[A]To develop free apps for Swatch Bharat Mission
[B]To construct all NH free of Railway crossings
[C]To encourage Swatch Bharat Mission
[D]To cheer entrepreneurship among teens

To construct all national highways free of Railway crossings

PM has launched Setu Bharatam scheme to build all national highways free of Railway crossings by 2019. This yojana will be executed by the Union Ministry and more than Rs. 50 thousand crore will be given out for the scheme.

What is Setu Bharatam scheme?

  • The Setu Bharatam scheme was launched by PM on March 4, 2016 for construction rail over bridges and underpasses for smooth and safe travel on national highways.
  • The gov. had identified around hundred places for the building of rail over- underpasses and bridges and earmarked funds worth almost thousand crore for the execution of the scheme.
  • The gov. of India has also undertaken the project of rebuilding around 1500 bridges that are pretty much older ones.


The undone railway crossings are one of the major reasons of rail accidents in the country, especially in rural zones. The Government of India has targeted to remove all such crossings before the end of this year so that these accidents can be ignore out.

Road Transport Year Of Launch: 2016

By 2019, It focuses to construct all National Highways free of railway level crossings. This is being done to eliminate the frequent accidents and loss of lives at level crossings. In order to certain smooth and safe flow of traffic, renewal of all the Level Crossings on National Highways by ROBs/RUBs and strengthening or renewal or widening of narrow and weak bridges under a project Setu Bharatam

Overall Progress

  • Stated Target 208 number of level crossings for building of ROBs
  • Allotted Budget 10,200 Cr
  • Sanctioned ROBs 90
  • Awarded ROBs 40
  • ROBs under execution 24


Setu Bharatam Project has seen a positive response in the nations infrastructure. Road fatalities have lessen as compared to what it was before. Hopefully, this might be expected for years to come with the support of the citizens and the government of India.


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