Discover the Adventure of Chinas Giant Glass Bridge!

Discover the Adventure of Chinas Giant Glass Bridge!

It was designed at the time to carry up to 900 visitors. The bridge is design by Haim Dotan (Israeli architect) 

To construct the bridge, engineers erected 4 support pillars on the walls edges of the canyon. The bridge is constructed from a metallic frame with much more than 140 glass panels.



On September 2, 2016, just 14 days after the bridge was opened, the command put out the notice saying that they were closing the bridge due to enormous visitor traffic. The bridge, designed to hold up 900 individuals at a time and expected to be visited by about 9,000 people per day, had reportedly attracted more than 90,000 visitors per day. The jurisdiction said that the gov. marked to suspend operations due to the urgency to update and improve the attraction, including its customer service, car parks, and ticket-booking system. 

Walking on this bridge is both gripping and requires individuals to have the self-assurance to climb up and enjoy the beauty of the Qingyuan valley beauty. It’s also good manners for its tourists to overcome the fear of heights.

No! Now I don’t dare, screaming a panic stricken tourist lying on the glass floor, refuse to get up. I’m so scared. I would only answer you after I get to that end story. I’m quite nervous, shout another one on being questioning how the experience was so far.

This bridge is a 202 m longer construction with the huge circular deck suspended at its end range to about 16.8 meters in diameter. This glass bridge projecting 72 meters outwards from the cliff edge, offered spectacular panoramic views of the surroundings.

This Glass Bridge in China Is Great If You Love Heights

What Exactly Is This Glass Skywalk?

This bridge shows off for being the planet’s highest and biggest glass creation and the skywalk lets almost 100 percent of sunshine to pass through, offer visitors clear panoramic cliffs panorama and the flown 130-meter higher waterfall.

I paid $30 to walk across the great bridge and it is the most loved experience I had in the year of travelling the planet for work.

I left Sydney a year ago to travel around the world as Business Insider’s worldwide correspondent. While I have had certain epic adventures, certain bucket-list attractions were inspiring, crowded, and reasonable, or just plain boring.

The Zhangjiajie Grand Glass Bridge in China, the highest and longest bridge on the planet.

When I left to travel as Business international correspondent a year ago, I knew there would be stunning adventures along the pathway.

Glass bridges worldwide: Spot 8 jaw-dropping platforms

The awesome culprit of the bunch is my visit to the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge in Hunan, China Hunan. Opened in 2016 and considered the longest and tallest glass bridge in the globe, the bridge inspired viral video after viral video of terrified tourists crawling over the futuristic glass bridge spanning a rich pass.

After seeing a few too many of the videos, I decided I had to check it out during my seven weeks in China. It was a textbook lesson in the difference between reality and the internet.

Viral videos vs. reality

Though the viral selfies of individuals on the bridge built it seemed such an adventurous experience, actually visiting the bridge was great. The only thing good about the bridge is the number of individuals on the bridge at any given time and felt my knuckles whiten as I wondered whether the glass would crack from the weight.

For a tiny vinyl context, the Zhangjiajie Grand Glass Bridge is closeby the amazing Wuling Mountain Range. This place is well known for its 3,000 quartzite sandstone pillars that look like suspended mountains on the misty day. The glass bridge is not situated close to those pillars. Instead, it’s a 50-minute bus ride away at the chasm denoted as China’s Grand Canyon.

Sit up 980 feet above the gorge floor and costing millions to build, the bridge is meant to be an architectural marvel. At more than 1,400 feet long and beautifully designed by Chinese engineer Zhi Dong Cheng and Israeli architect Haim Dotan, it lives up to that status.

The experience of walking and seeing it, for an foreign visitor at least, is not a nightmare.

The experience was the great one from what I expected it to be

To start with, everyone at the tourist center speaks English, many signs are in English, and the ticketing center only accepts cash, there is an ATM on-site, as when I visited – two years after opening – it still was angular up.

Because so many tourists and tour groups attempted to visit the bridge, the center had extremely awesome rules on ticketing and whenever you could go on the bridge. 

Essentially, if you purchase the combined Grand Canyon ticket, you could go on the bridge at some of the pre-set times throughout the day (rough way each half hour). But if you wanted to purchase only a bridge ticket, you were required not to wait. 

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